Monday, May 28, 2012

Feeling My Way Along

Welcome to Luminous Projections and my baptismal plunge into the blogging pool! My sister has influenced me into starting a blog about old movies and such, since I spend a lot of time watching Turner Classic Movies and DVD’s and bending anybody’s ear who will listen with my comments and opinions about whatever is playing at the time, plus invoking scenes and lines from any other dusty stuff I can conjure from my vast storehouse of useless trivia.
     Let me tell you a little bit about me. I am 73 years old. Texas-born and Colorado-raised, I started going to the movies during World War II in the early 40's at about age four or five at 2 neighborhood theaters in w est Denver: the Santa Fe and Comet theaters. Going to the "show," as we called it, was both common and casual. The theater was not too far from your house, and it was cheap. Admission for little kids was ten cents, a bag of popcorn was a nickel, a box of popcorn a dime. Although our great joy lay in attending the Saturday-matinee "shoot-‘em-ups," we went to see whatever was playing, sometimes sitting through it twice. I began at an early age to sense the difference between a mediocre or poor movie from one that was clearly better .
     Now I particularly enjoy the programming of Turner Classic Movies (TCM) and their dedication to preserving and sharing the joys of American and, really, world cinema. I also enjoy and appreciate other television efforts to present important and often superior material. In this blog, I will attempt to express my views and feelings in regard to all the foregoing topics, as well as, possibly, others. Glad to be here!